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El record de usuarios en línea fue de 44 durante el Miér Jul 19, 2017 3:41 am
Mejores posteadores
Ian (212)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  I_voting_barI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty 
Sara O'lund (198)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  I_voting_barI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty 
Collin Dawson (159)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  I_voting_barI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty 
Admin (153)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  I_voting_barI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty 
La Dama Gris (147)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  I_voting_barI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty 
Johan Britt (145)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  I_voting_barI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty 
Rebecca Warwick (135)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  I_voting_barI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty 
Eleanor Fairfax (134)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  I_voting_barI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty 
Himala (131)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  I_voting_barI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty 
Zodiak L. Overstorm (131)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  I_voting_barI don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty 

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» Galeria de personajes~
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyJue Nov 08, 2012 12:20 pm por bebexito emoxito

» Di lo que quieras
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyJue Nov 08, 2012 12:10 pm por bebexito emoxito

» Registro de avatares. Apunta el avatar de tu personaje aquí.
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyJue Nov 08, 2012 11:33 am por bebexito emoxito

» Carpe Retractum // Foro de Hp - tercera generación
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyJue Ago 02, 2012 3:55 pm por Invitado

» Wingardium Leviosa, rol foro (NORMAL)
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyVie Jul 20, 2012 10:55 am por Invitado

» Little Hangleton {Foro Necesita Ayuda Urgente}NormAl
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyMiér Jul 18, 2012 4:27 am por Invitado

» Alex Wells
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyDom Jul 15, 2012 7:44 pm por Alex Wells

» Oesed afiliación elite, pj libres!
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyDom Jul 15, 2012 6:15 pm por Invitado

» Sara Wells
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  EmptyDom Jul 15, 2012 5:52 pm por Sara Wells

I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  2vw9106
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Agradeciientos

Creative Commons License
Diseño de imagenes by Amo, Shanie and Paw
Trama, eventos and reglas by Nana, Paw, Killia and Shanie
HTML by Shanie
El mundo de Harry Potter le pertenece a J.K Rowlling, nosotr@s somos simplemente unas fans de la saga reproduciendo su mundo. El foro no es con fines de lucro.

Lumus Maxima está protegido bajó Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}

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I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Empty I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}

Mensaje por Johan Britt Jue Mar 29, 2012 10:40 pm

{#} Johan Joseph Britt {#}
Prefecto de Ravenclaw
17 | Ravenclaw | Heterosexual
I don't have to think, I only have to do it, the results are always perfect...and that's old news {Cronología de Johan}  Tumblr_ls9avbyCoT1qb276ao1_500

• Avatar: Logan Lerman
• Personalidad:Lo primero que te vendrá a la cabeza si piensas y conoces a Johan a fondo será: Doble cara. Johan ha sido criado en un mundo cerrado, lleno de restricciones y reglas a las que se ha debido adaptar para sobrevivir, todo esto, aunado a un sentimiento de abandono ha hecho de Johan un chico rencoroso. Que al final se mueve según le conviene. Mira el mundo de una manera gris y hostil, sabiendo que sólo los más fuertes y aptos son los que encabezan la cadena de poder. Ese deseo de poder es su motor impulsor de cada día, el que le hace mostrar una cara totalmente distinta que usa como disfraz para despistar a la gente.
Una sonrisa, una mirada amable, una voz moderada y una actitud aparentemente positiva es una mascara que utiliza con maestría este chico. Para él todo el mundo miente, y por eso no tendrá problema alguno en mentirte también. Obsesivo, necesita mantener todo en absoluto orden o ese lado agresivo emergerá poco a poco hasta estallar. Sí, es un chico que a pesar de todo suele reprimir sus emociones para mantener la cabeza fría, ocultando un temperamento de temer. Presumido, lo normal en un ravenclaw ¿Vanidoso? También, y si bien no tiene problemas en comentar sus logros, hace como que les resta importancia sólo para enaltecerlos aún más. Y aún con todo eso, sus notables defectos y manías… ha logrado hacer amigos.
Pero todo es negro, por supuesto. Como tiene múltiples defectos debemos señalar algunas de sus escasas pero preciadas virtudes. Perfeccionista, responsable, meticuloso, son adjetivos que describen su desempeño escolar y su actitud hacia con los demás. No, no es tan malo en realidad. Hasta el más terrible ogro tiene un corazón, de piedra, pero que late al fin y al cabo. Entonces, deberíamos señalar sus repentinos arranques de preocupación desinteresada hacia los demás, extraños, escasos, pero sinceros. Quizás fueron por esos arranques de repentina bondad que al final fue elegido como prefecto desde quinto año ¿Cómo es con sus amigos? Bien, podríamos comentar que no es tan diferente de cómo se comporta con los demás. Usualmente es el que mantiene el orden y el más sensato a la hora de emitir juicios o tomar una decisión, y gracias a eso han salido airosos de cuanta problemática situación han disfrutado ¿Chicas? Aún hoy no se le ha conocido una novia ya que nadie llama lo suficiente su atención, siempre argumentando que está comprometido con la búsqueda de la sabiduría… al menos eso es lo que dice ¿Pero quien nos asegura que dice la verdad?

{#} Cronología {#}

Shah mat

Fondu and noir

Es curioso encontrarte aquí

{Poppy/en proceso}

Madrugada de placer
{Sara/En proceso/+18}

Get away, get away from your home I'm afraid, I'm afraid of a ghost
{Ian/En proceso}

Johan Britt
Johan Britt
Prefecto Ravenclaw
Prefecto Ravenclaw

Mensajes : 145
Fecha de inscripción : 03/02/2012
Empleo /Ocio : 7mo Curso/Prefecto

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